Her Majesty Queen Máxima and Mayor of Amsterdam Femke Halsema visited the Humanitarian Service Point for refugees from the Ukraine in RAI Amsterdam today. The Red Cross and the Municipality of Amsterdam have set up a transfer location in the RAI where refugees are received and where help requests from Ukrainians are inventoried. The RAI offers these refugees a place where they can stay in the coming period.
Her Majesty spoke with employees of the Red Cross and the municipality of Amsterdam about starting up the transfer location and about the cooperation with organisations in areas such as transport and information technology. The role of the Red Cross in the Netherlands and aid in the Ukraine and neighboring countries were also discussed. The Queen also spoke with refugees about the situation in the Ukraine, their journey to the Netherlands and contact with their loved ones who have stayed behind. The visit was concluded with a round table discussion with employees of the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland and Takecarebnb, the organisation that links refugees and host families.
On Thursday the 10th of March, the first 200 Ukrainian refugees arrived at the RAI. At the Humanitarian Service Point, refugees are given the opportunity to recover from their journey, register, undergo a medical check and are provided with food and drink. Red Cross volunteers help register refugees, distribute meals and lend a listening ear.
Photo: Rode Kruis / Sander Koning