Organising - Amsterdam economic board

Circular Economy
The ambition of the AEB for the Challenge Circular Economy is to become the European hotspot for innovative solutions to close the regional loops of materials and energy in 2025. This will generate new businesses and jobs.
Digital Connectivity
By 2025, the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area will be the most important place in Europe for data-driven innovation, is the ambition in the field of Digital Connectivity.
The ambition of AEB’s metropolitan challenge for health is that by 2025, inhabitants of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area will have gained two healthy life years.
Mobility is essential for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. We want the region to be as accessible as possible, and we also aim for sustainable solutions.
Jobs of the Future
The EU is important for the Talent for the Future Challenge of the AEB. Their ambition is to have the most adaptive and appealing labour market of Europe in 2025. For this, they deploy various activities.