Re-usable catering materials

Disposable plastic is harmful to the environment. Even in the Netherlands, we discard 19 million cups and food packaging containing plastic every day, causing a significant environmental problem.

Therefore, new European regulations have been established.


For on-site consumption, such as at the RAI, disposable plastic plates, cutlery, stirrers, straws, disposable cups, hamburger containers, bags, and single-use bottles are completely prohibited from january 1, 2024.


As of january, 2024, the RAI itself will, therefore, use reusable cups, plates, containers, and biodegradable packaging materials for all catering provided by the RAI. All these reusable materials will be collected by the RAI and prepared for reuse.

At the time of writing, it is not clear yet what the rules will be for paper cups with a max. of 5% plastic coating. Until these are also legally prohibited, these cups remain usable.

This legislation also applies to exhibitors at events held at the RAI. All issued Food & Beverage items must be served in reusable or biodegradable materials, including sampling or promotional products.

This specifically applies to samples for on-site consumption. For packaged samples intended for take-away, a surcharge must be paid, by the consumer, for the plastic packaging. It is allowed to use reusable plastic for sampling.

Exhibitors themselves are responsible for compliance, including any fines for non-compliance.